Address S-DZP2-2UL3-T35L-CUUT4
ID 11630363547276803744
Description Our shop in Japan. https;// (Japanese) I am PRISM ONE&Co owner that crazy burst coin miner. At our shop, we provide the plot service using the following powerful equipment. AMD Threadripper 1950X 64 GB PC 4-3200 Mhz Memory Titan V,GTX 1080 ti,etc... 6TB (nearline) x 16 (Total 96TB) Striping disk for plot buffer Consultation of large quantity plot is available worldwide. Please contact me.
Total Balance 5.37458509 SIGNA
($0.00 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA)
Free Balance 5.37458509 SIGNA
($0.00 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA)
Locked Balance 0.0 SIGNA
($0.00 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA)
Public Key 78C88E5992FDB0536F66AF59A5FE287CBE4C88967E03A65985CB91CB578F3E74
at block 421990
Creation Block 419516
Pool S-55XZ-S96V-F59N-DAHZ3
PoCC Pool: 100-0