Address S-XTXP-9MPU-4PG9-H3QDP
ID 18063587622825945013
Name RainyDayFund
Description This is the antibust fund for MR KALEN HODGES managed by the bag lady acting as a buffer/ escrow
Total Balance 42.0 SIGNA
($0.04 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA)
Free Balance 42.0 SIGNA
($0.04 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA)
Locked Balance 0.0 SIGNA
($0.00 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA)
Public Key 6D77292D388EB48B1EE101FE0AFDAD8FE523B09B3BD2AEB36618D6AA33DC1D08
at block 339090
Creation Block 339089