Address S-CNQ3-QEAF-CLAG-9F5T5
ID 8206805036824875713
Name KJV | WC
Description {"nm":"KJV | WC","ds":"A NFT project focused on spreading the word of God through the Signum Blockchain using custom word clouds. We want to create a place where we can build a community that can help one another as well as provide an avenue to support others in need. Come join us! We can make a difference.","si":{"bafkreihek43zjexsqqpesdjg4zpufzkzbnm3dsa4ecpg2nvz4dilncs6pa":"image/webp"},"av":{"bafkreicwxtohzkbdiqkz54kr2q6woxjxjoxnkre3gjcyftpsslkw4aauj4":"image/jpeg"},"bg":{"bafkreihwec2a65ef66pgb3r74txluvpecb5gyi7r45gvg5tqimndoonojm":"image/jpeg"},"hp":"","tw":"","sc":["",""]}
Total Balance 4,959.06 SIGNA
($4.67 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA)
Free Balance 4,959.06 SIGNA
($4.67 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA)
Locked Balance 0.0 SIGNA
($0.00 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA)
Public Key C80FCD6975DFF69E7E00BCFC58F79827953FBF201279063BAA5B67F74EBAFC4A
at block 1160093
Creation Block 1160093