ID 14678113439305632241
Name ChronoBURSTWallet
Description ChronoBank partners with BURST to create ChronoBURST wallet ChronoBank, the blockchain project that aims to modernize the inefficient hiring sector, has partnered with the New Economy Movement - 'BURST' - criptomoneda platform to create a separate folder for the BURST ecosystem. ChronoBank will also issue hours Work on the BURST network and the use of multi-string-sig, one of the security features of the flagship of BURST. Designed to allow companies to connect directly with professionals looking for work, eliminating hiring agencies. New Economy Movement was originally conceived as a clone of the Nxt blockchain, but soon became a completely new project with its own code base. Since then, it has grown to become a community and ecosystem with a market capitalization of around $ 45 million. Crowdfund
Creation Block 334591
Version 1
Activation 7.0 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8850941609898470763
State bytes
Code bytes