Address |
ID | 14702200486417840212 |
Name | MiningRig4BurstMiningBurst |
Description | Hey, I'm a Brazilian and in my country actually there is a $/kWh tax of $0.22 approximately making mining with GPU or CPU almost impossible for people who has low investment. In Burst I found an alternative, a loyal to the decentralize ideal coin, wich makes possible for small miners in my country and many others to make a profit. If you found my mining rig, I will make sure to found every other mining rig projects on this crowdfunding. Ps: I'm a HODL for sure.Crowdfund |
Creator |
Pilabio |
Creation Block | 373213 |
Version | 1 |
Activation |
7.0 SIGNA ($0.01 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA) |
Code Hash ID | 8850941609898470763 |
State bytes | |
Code bytes |