Address |
ID | 16468277889541301311 |
Name | BurstRomania |
Description | Build BurstCoin Romania community ( web, forum , maybe pool , faucets, etc.) 250TB Burst miner Building a rig with this specifications: HP PROLIANT SE326M1 2U RACK SERVE HDD 25x SFF RACK SERVER 2.5 inch with 25 x 10TB 3.5 hdd UPS redundant power supply 1Gb/s Internet line This beast will join a mining pool to help the burst community grow. Thank you for you help! Crowdfund |
Creator |
Shadow |
Creation Block | 358603 |
Version | 1 |
Activation |
7.0 SIGNA ($0.01 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA) |
Code Hash ID | 8850941609898470763 |
State bytes | |
Code bytes |