Address S-DJUW-DG69-7J9A-48TXR
ID 3168043037451731804
Name DeadDropProject
Description I am currently building an offline decentralized cold storage data sharing network. Also, an online hub offering p2p communication/data sharing. And an interactive map of all of the known dead drops in across the world. + Articles and Guides about dead drops and online anonymity/security from myself and the community. This allows someone to store data anonymously, offline and unknown to anyone. Then they can even go online and tell someone what and where they have stored the data using the map and encrypted chat. The person they told can now can take the data and publish it and/or store it on another drop. The offline network will consist of USB storage devices placed in public places that anyone can use to store and share uncensored data, anonymously. The online network will be a website with an interactive map and anonymous/encrypted chat service for p2p messaging and data transfers. Crowdfund
Creator S-V2M7-3G6L-P33R-GVXCB
Creation Block 474614
Version 1
Activation 7.0 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8850941609898470763
State bytes
Code bytes