Address S-RWNV-9BQ7-U8GG-67SNT
ID 5535774115452678811
Name Champions5000
Description Champions vs. Challengers game, Multi-out transactions or transactions with less than 30 BURST are ignored. The higher your bet, the higher your chances to become the new champion (chances given by your bet divided by the sum of bet and weight). If the current champion is the winner, he takes the challenger's bet. If the challenger is the winner, his bet is refunded and he becomes the new champion. There is 1% fee on prizes (plus 30 BURST activation fee).
Creator S-HP4J-DJ5G-YJ5S-4CHAM
Creation Block 644981
Version 1
Activation 30.0 SIGNA
($0.03 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 16173048932882429018
State bytes
Code bytes