Address S-5ZP3-8C62-CU6Y-9KQRV
ID 9069916714531159713
Name MiningToFaucet
Description Hello community I am a fairly big Burst/BEX investor that want to contribute to stable decentralization by building a dedicated but simple 128 TB storage rig for mining proof of capacity. It will be located in Sweden to add to geographical distribution, on stable Internet connectivity. The project also aim to teach my son and two nieces on how-to build rigs, on crypto currencies and why it is important to contribute to this (r)evolution. In the end they will not know any other reality. The total pledged amount will be matched by me 50/50. 30% of everything mined will be donated to Burst Faucets (traceable). Once the rig has been "paid for" I will increase my Burst Faucets donation to >50% of everything mined depending on rig-efficiency (traceable). /JonasCrowdfund
Creator S-A89S-ZF4P-G9Y3-4TQ6R
Creation Block 790950
Version 2
Activation 7.0 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.0012 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8850941609898470763
State bytes
Code bytes