Address S-R5E8-EM5F-Z6PY-A7H5J
ID 9803744184851205510
Description {"vs":1,"version":2,"types":["digital art","music"],"platform":"","descriptor":"QmZxAGi93UNQDEH27zd4pHqSVxPAC5a1gDKTbT79Sw5ofx","nm":"From My Hands","av":{"QmXPpHm8zaxdLx8MhrPwoXnELZWHvNxVC8XQRw87LWeARH":"image/webp"},"ds":"One of the most significant barriers to letting go is our tendency to hold onto the past. We often cling to memories, relationships, and experiences that have shaped us, even if they are no longer relevant or beneficial. This can lead to feelings of nostalgia, regret, and longing, which prevent us from moving forward and embracing new opportunities.\n\n"}
Creator S-F6NV-CCGG-ER7W-99BRL
Nivok Spilkommen
Creation Block 1374568
Version 2
Activation 0.3 SIGNA
($0.00 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 15155055045342098571
State bytes
Code bytes