Block #15004510181598442140
Block Height
Timestamp 5 months, 1 week ago (2023-12-28 14:08:32 UTC)
Transactions 6 transactions in this block
Total Amount 155.20346237 SIGNA ($0.18622)
Total Fee 1.444 SIGNA ($0.00173)
Burnt Fees -1.424 SIGNA
Mined by S-NME3-VQ9P-66T4-5NY2X
I want the one with the bigge…
Pool S-HW9R-3VCP-Y46P-DA5W8
Generation time 0:02:44
Block Reward 100.02 SIGNA
Miner Fees 0.015 SIGNA
Cashback 0.005 SIGNA
Size 266 bytes
Base Target 2315884
Version 3.8.2
Nonce 240750454
Payload Length 266
Payload Hash 607398818CEB757DB13A98C35E1F6B181B37C8AB3D2E46A82DEC301E875D447F
Cumulative Difficulty 087B9DD4C1D8397A59
Generator Public Key E9D97C08C8B11B198ECF34C6C94FD8C5E73732E12743558B007AF9E41C981D5F
Generation Signature 25D0F6D4805F7B0E5AA95518B5664FBF06AC7C9B1A0A8AE42FAAFD1EC0671C67
Block Signature C7279F0CE2A47592D6F93F920C4E91270BC3A4825ACB62A4A7A44B35846B8E04B8A35175C535AE33732AF3F4C25E10E825E0849752F4C2BBC4CFE7BABE9D48EB
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