Block #16633524635585050959
Block Height |
Timestamp | 6 months ago (2024-06-15 18:11:35 UTC) |
Transactions | 6 transactions in this block |
Total Amount | 244.13582304 SIGNA ($0.17813) |
Total Fee | 1.013 SIGNA ($0.00074) |
Burnt Fees | -0.983 SIGNA |
Mined by |
I want the one with the bigge… |
Pool |
Balazs_pool_mainnet |
Generation time | 0:04:33 |
Block Reward | 100.03 SIGNA |
Miner Fees | 0.0225 SIGNA |
Cashback | 0.0075 SIGNA |
Size | 474 bytes |
Base Target | 2313548 |
Version | 3.8.2 |
Nonce | 141398364 |
Payload Length | 474 |
Payload Hash | CD199520151B45766A26F86090173329ACC9CAD329260D42496657334BCECD2E |
Cumulative Difficulty | 0883D14C4755C3B4EC |
Generator Public Key | E9D97C08C8B11B198ECF34C6C94FD8C5E73732E12743558B007AF9E41C981D5F |
Generation Signature | 8802EF053FD8E18AED24281085863F9D01F2641B00568931A6881A48D2B7DAA2 |
Block Signature | 8E0833F410BB3DB752E303BABCE98DE1DCDC7033DC9460D94303F251C4E8950A6BCD70FFE006DEFCDFBF1DB3A834243A107469719B727B1E91FE8C6CEE87D212 |
Contracts |