Block #15727496851526179632
Block Height
Timestamp 5 years, 10 months ago (2018-08-12 22:52:23 UTC)
Transactions 2 transactions in this block
Total Amount 448.91611073 SIGNA ($0.49606)
Total Fee 1.008 SIGNA ($0.00111)
Mined by S-LR7U-UQ6J-EX4D-73XQD
it was the burst of times
PoCC Pool: 0-100
Generation time 0:03:09
Block Reward 853.008 SIGNA
Miner Fees 1.008 SIGNA
Size 352 bytes
Base Target 336489
Version 3.8.2
Nonce 86078952
Payload Length 352
Payload Hash 154BA75D9983DD9435070AE6329806B68E36D788658E19930CCE35E42C61BDFC
Cumulative Difficulty 01DC2AD1E70FDAEA99
Generator Public Key 5025CB3EED105E27C09364E8E4FDDF8DCA5DA9C7FD1A82613110F3F65CC77871
Generation Signature 5DC75D19682933A18E5F7C783E6F5AEA928FFB57DB67A87FACCEE36611B6054F
Block Signature 2E0E1E8A08F568D34B095B01CD5EE53F2972CAED37D39DD52A139BD5BBD148023715C99B3FD83A163FF0B12EEA6787AB935523592B70C96E8FAE15C4D8A816C2
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