Transaction ID
Height 1321819
2404 Block Confirmations
Type Distribute to Holders for Token TRT
Timestamp 6 days, 16 hours ago (2024-09-16 04:08:30 UTC)
From S-BZ26-DH57-BVQV-99YDV
To Distribute to Holders
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Value 20,000.0 SIGNA ($22.1608)
Fee 0.58 SIGNA ($0.0006)
Version 2
Deadline 1440
Block Timestamp 6 days, 16 hours ago (2024-09-16 04:11:50 UTC)
EC Block ID 11015337445274829292
EC Block Height 1321808
Has message no
Has encrypted message no
Has Public Key Announcement no
Has Encrypttoself Message no
Sender Public Key 17310977179C4EB712975A77A0CD1A74CD8B51BDC9D2B5D36C99DB430FA5223E
Signature 26A42BB393346A80547B5D40F391FFE754E6BFF21524DA01735591448D72970C2B939536231A5EFD5E42702ECB9BA132B3623547B0774A4062B08DFC6BD88D33
Full Hash 191359775C440FB7D44B0931FF992A779E2BA8255607E3FE6A646E5EABCAAE2E
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