Transaction ID
Height 1293847
29003 Block Confirmations
Type Distribute to Holders for Token BTFGLOTT
Timestamp 2 months, 2 weeks ago (2024-06-30 10:00:02 UTC)
BTFGPOOL Lotto Account
To Distribute to Holders
Click for more details
Value 9.05472 SIGNA ($0.0096)
Fee 0.023 SIGNA ($0.0)
Version 2
Deadline 1440
Block Timestamp 2 months, 2 weeks ago (2024-06-30 10:00:44 UTC)
EC Block ID 9454462033177715350
EC Block Height 1293836
Has message no
Has encrypted message no
Has Public Key Announcement no
Has Encrypttoself Message no
Sender Public Key 5BBA667A6FA0A67BA7CB829D2C7C73DCDC46C2A775BA7BE9F7D57D224B268927
Signature 297060665222345CD81BC5E8D9F6C2EE7B75BB11257A468215E998FC475A040E617CB0A8B80781447A7533432EDE4DF165E623B41978673958146698C4B4565F
Full Hash 6193D5FA39926026533EAA3DDAC51397513B5EE86CC3204402E3434DF7137FCF
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