for address S-TVNZ-4HQL-VGJX-DJVT5
A total of 116 transactions found
Trans ID Block Timestamp Type From To Value Fee
778336692… 543003
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-NGBZ-8ZMY-E4KU-92HDK
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.7731208 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
468106929… 542993
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-SXAR-N4P2-7ASB-BLZ8E
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.47249489 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
143333493… 542992
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-HV39-UWC6-XV9P-5GJCZ
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.97129354 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
112963895… 542990
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-T6W4-9UTU-NQHK-6LCYF
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.26228593 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
874239984… 542985
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-U9ED-L2MM-5DZW-4ZJSX
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.39341067 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
159936673… 542976
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-88UR-N42R-TYA8-65NNC
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
2.86728702 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
131817454… 542974
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-LL9C-APLF-RK7J-EN96T
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.60257791 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
117487575… 542954
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-GL3A-9XLQ-6ZKA-8R6EK
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.79980968 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
656244181… 542942
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-EFRC-K9GJ-AZR6-ENSJC
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.52560071 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
119333380… 542888
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-VCB9-D46U-FZYK-644WS
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
3.58741726 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
100130648… 542849
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-3X9J-5HG4-56YD-5GJVC
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.17360116 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
559691054… 542816
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-GJQX-FNH8-T66K-A3ENS
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.09265563 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
213549723… 542812
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-7L5J-P7QP-XQK8-79KPC
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.12168945 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
152231291… 542808
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-9CSK-FBGP-Z7HL-C4YQP
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.65874619 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
556349750… 542796
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-TVX9-BMNN-MGSX-28MXY
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.55585561 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
103628995… 542794
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-T5J5-QRJW-EQF3-HY22G
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.0440536 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
684732089… 542793
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-KFW4-7NYR-G7F2-DEA4R
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.88511358 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
158871667… 542760
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-SFC7-GW4Y-7HM2-BF528
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.77277098 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
704947440… 542698
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-4PXL-CLSJ-86YU-99UNU
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.18810337 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
851577708… 542643
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-RE32-LJLD-DYEH-6FDLU
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.44675459 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
175551087… 542639
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-JMRM-5CGN-YVM7-6AG5S
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.65871711 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
104799991… 542637
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-JQ3N-P47Q-PCJA-5VCS3
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.33240865 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
776621318… 542609
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-5ETX-VNU3-DBTJ-49FAC
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
3.47525036 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
177645026… 542544
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-B8R9-KLRD-XXTJ-8H34U
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.58160295 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
784156523… 542539
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-F4WH-BNYJ-5CGG-8X7LY
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.1554898 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA