for address S-ZZCZ-9QEJ-KTZW-FSKCL
A total of 146 transactions found
Trans ID Block Timestamp Type From To Value Fee
241149585… 542176
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-ZTU3-HHAA-TVDS-H2A67
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.26288239 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
175643291… 542174
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-SHVF-535L-APDF-F4SLR
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.89714624 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
708056876… 542166
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-9RUH-7JKR-T5AB-3SF85
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.75381491 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
971382221… 542155
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-ZXKP-6P9W-74NC-3JTQX
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.92831724 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
112382695… 542154
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-FMSA-7QGJ-Y6P8-8H9LN
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.55044131 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
549180107… 542150
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-GXDH-QVTH-387W-AVR8G
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.34016025 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
126472618… 542143
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-X3GQ-4KUN-XXXN-ECV4S
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.56687584 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
106475648… 542141
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-CR2W-RX45-2RZD-5JZJ6
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.24147747 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
139251352… 542122
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-Y946-Q7KT-P23Z-BDETX
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.43962369 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
775400626… 542120
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-V5AX-NCQN-BK9V-GDJAL
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
2.24494481 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
164814812… 542117
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-GKEL-XJJE-QNJV-5JD8C
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
3.29904009 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
135727268… 542111
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-KR7C-PBLE-G7DF-2LN94
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.89150103 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
690271112… 542096
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-T6QT-4375-3PKT-BKRWF
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.80991647 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
479797921… 542091
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-64AR-P25U-XYLF-H4K6X
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
3.98327294 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
104980870… 542091
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-PRZY-9S4D-UQRC-CYYLL
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.02983509 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
523547815… 542088
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-TDT3-RPVV-3CD8-BB8LE
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
4.14841424 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
171457044… 542051
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-PWTL-KPSW-C2H2-4LWH3
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.24005016 SIGNA
0.0294 SIGNA
131222469… 542047
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-S8EX-54KE-7AQG-GZKYN
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.01748154 SIGNA
0.0294 SIGNA
107097774… 542038
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-S5B7-5DUM-WEED-9EUTR
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
4.7837157 SIGNA
0.03675 SIGNA
112968951… 542032
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-6M93-7M5K-EQR3-7MSVW
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
7.86084701 SIGNA
0.0294 SIGNA
141774709… 542029
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-KTSK-JBRQ-KR6Z-CD9AA
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.26301227 SIGNA
0.0441 SIGNA
591680292… 542026
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-2CUU-TH4R-EAAA-8ZTFU
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.18046077 SIGNA
0.0441 SIGNA
165236567… 542026
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-83AV-5T3R-NBJ8-CZ86X
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.44326675 SIGNA
0.0441 SIGNA
369141119… 542019
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-GU4E-RCGD-M2ZF-CAQLH
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.45460081 SIGNA
0.0441 SIGNA
131719034… 542016
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-HBVE-4X7Y-VACF-43P5S
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.04515507 SIGNA
0.03675 SIGNA